Sunday, July 5, 2020

Rationale ?

rationale [ˌræʃəˈnɑːl]
a reasoned exposition, esp one defining the fundamental reasons for a course of action, belief, etc.
[from New Latin, from Latin ratiōnālis]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

The first post in this blog has been made with a purpose in mind. It is made to make "you" think.
Posted at : 7/5/10, 12:16 PM.

There are things that we seek in life. Some of them are rare. Its a pity that sometimes those very things that we would give our life for, go unnoticed/undetected/unappreciated simply because of our inability to remain ourselves in the face of expectations. While all relationships are respectable and invaluable, convictions rank just a notch above all relations, simply since families are too scared to trust just big words in a world full of lies and fear.

It is only the addressee who can judge the honesty of a statement, particularly in such cases. If the decisions were pre-made, its okay; otherwise, it's been an absolute catastrophe. 

Published: July 12, 2010: 12:00 AM.

PS: It is not that I am after you. I would hate to hear that. 

My view is: "I lost a something....or maybe found something in you." .  And that thing seems like life.

And I know it is a little silly since I used to always see foolishness in is that rationality that just went out the window in a jiffy.

Something like: "Hum to hamesha, samajhte the koi hum jaisa haaji hi hoga...." fits too beautifully.

I can't believe that the it went to the extent where the feeling of helplessness and circumstances caused excessive watering of the eyes... All I have to say about the tears is this:

यहाँ सब लोग कहते है मेरी आँखों में आंसू है
जो तू समझे तो मोती है जो ना समझे तो पानी है

And as and when you do realize that I am the one, call me. There is a risk of my dying of happiness, but take the risk anyways.  ;)