Sunday, September 12, 2010

The internal thougt process of a disillusioned mind.

I just saw a friend who could have been so much more. And so much more you have become. I can not afford to presume things and destroy the "you" that I have come to know. I can not even afford to let the "offenses" (if any) to make my feelings towards you any bitter. However, I can not, and will not lose my self respect either.

There was a call which I am yet to return. I shall do the same in a few weeks. I shall prepare myself for anything that "whoever" might want to dish out, but I will not stand down from what I believe in. If it requires me to face any consequences, come what may.

I write this not as a challenge, but as a conviction I hold. I truly do not see much going back from what has happened now and I am not a rose spectacled moron, but its something that I will not have again in my life. It is the first time I am in love and I can only stand by my right to exist, perceive and feel.

However, anyone who can give me one "free" reason for being guilty, I am prepared to face any consequences. When I say free however, I talk about anything derogatory or hurtful or even manipulative that I might have done. And I know it for a fact that that is not the case. This post shall remain live only till I do not call back. So take any meanings out of it if you will.

PS: You know it.

किसी मोड़ पर फिर मुलाकात होगी

चरागों को आँखों में महफ़ूज़ रखना
बड़ी दूर तक रात ही रात होगी

मुसाफ़िर हैं हम भी मुसाफ़िर हो तुम भी 
किसी मोड़ प
फिर मुलाकात होगी .