Monday, September 6, 2010

Its amazing how you

Its amazing how you,
spake right to my haeart.

Without saying a word,
You would light up the dark.

Try as I may, I could never explain,
How I heard when you didn't say a thing.

The thought of your existence made me know that you're the only,
Was a truth in your thoughts, told that I'd never be lonely

The flick of a finger and you were gone ......

As if I never existed , as if having feelings for another human, another girl deserves punishment. Even if you yourself tell me that you took that decision, I would still know that you did not.

There are some things in life that we find out. However, there are some which we just know.

That I love you is one of them. That I know that your call would have been different is another. That you were seeking someone as stupid as me is the third.

That you would probably never read it is not one. I believe that one day, you would realize that it could have been a lot simpler and happier. The time is probably already over for me however, and that, despite having a sense of; I refuse to accept.

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