Sunday, July 25, 2010

Objectivism applied to the scenario

Being a fan of Ayn Rand, I thought that I would be purely objective about the issue and not account for my gut or intuitive feelings.

My thoughts are:

1. Some of my friends, who've "been with" many girls/womes go to the extent of saying that all girls have an element of a "*****" in them. I never really paid heed to them before. I believe that as soon as love becomes a "take and give" thing, it becomes an arrangement...the same as in the case of a "*****". It is interesting that most women do "need things/sentiments/emotions before they can love".

Of all people, if you did this; All that that has done is that it has made me certain that thea of women being all gentle and sensitive and caring is a fallacy.

Women have increasingly turned masculine. Men are majorly responsible for it as well. It is stupid to overvalue women just by falling for the "one love" logic. It (the one love idea) gives unwarranted leverage to the females.

I can't believe that I have been living through a false idea forever. There is no logical reason for a man to live his life with just one, two, three or for that matter any number of women. The male is logically entitled to look to maximise his opportunities "The selfish gene" by Richard Dawkins puts it: A male must ensure that his gene gets as many replicas as possible. According to him, that is the only reason that makes us feel the need for association with the opposite sex.

I have written what I have from a purely objectivist point of view, and that is not my personal opinion. As an objectivist, I can appreciate that emotions are useless, but the person in myself still sees value in the girl that he loves.

The idea needs to be basically uprooted from my psyche. Its just a predator-prey relationship that the opposite sexes seem to have, the only difference being that both sides are under the delusion of their own version of morality mostly.

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